Legal Research
Here are a few of the essays that stemmed from my research in a variety of courses at the University of Missouri, including History of American Law, Journal on Constitutional Democracy, Law & Economics, Constitutional Debates, and Global History (joint program with Oxford University).
Legal History
On the NAACP's Legal Strategy in Years Surrounding Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
I find that the NAACP’s legal strategy mainly struck the proper balance between pragmatism and persistent forcefulness in its effort to dismantle segregation in schools and initiate a prompt integration process, with some notable faults. It stands to reason that the disappointingly gradualist results of Brown II did not come as a result of the NAACP’s argumentative decisions.
Antitrust Law
A New Consumer Welfare: Sensibilities for Antitrust Law in the 2020s
The overcorrection of mistakenly aggressive twentieth century antitrust suits that permeates our current age—an age of antitrust law that allows low prices to be “passes” for anti-competitive behavior—stripped antitrust law of its key tenets. This essay draws its spirit from this premise, and analyzes three antitrust suits against large tech companies.
Legal History
'Designing the Crib': A Constitutional Examination of the West German Grundgesetz
This essay situates itself at this divergence of constitution-making in 1949 Germany, directly after the defeat of Nazism, and examines the balance of influence between the Allied powers and West Germans themselves in the development of the Grundgesetz (German "Basic Law").
Law & Economics
An Economic Analysis of California v. Amazon
California v. Amazon sets its sights on potentially anticompetitive steps Amazon took to restrain sellers and wholesalers on its marketplace and expand its dominance in the ecommerce industry. This paper provides an economic analysis of Amazon’s policies at the heart of the lawsuit.
Legal Theory
On the Relationship Between Law and Ordinary People
This essay explores how laws and customs work in tandem to shape norms within communities. A person might consider themselves similarly bound to avoid parking in snowy spaces inhabited by desk chairs as they are to drive less than 30 miles when they are directed to by law—and as a result, we ought to actively consider the precision with which we use the term "law."
Law & Economics
An Economic Analysis of Bittner v.
United States
Bittner v. United States deals with a key portion of the Bank Secrecy Act, specifically weighing the extent to which penalties should be charged to individuals with offshore bank accounts who fail to report them. This paper provides an economic analysis of Bittner and the implications of its outcomes.