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Undergraduate Intern
Columbia, MO

My time with the Missouri State Public Defender's Office entailed working under public defense attorneys on various cases, assessing case discovery to build reports, keeping records for attorneys, and attending trials and jail visits for relevant cases. 


I was also able to work alongside other interns, most of whom were law school students, and learn about the process of delegating case work between attorneys and the rest of the office staff. 


Undergraduate interns were generally expected to pick up on non-expert work, but I was lucky to be given projects and research questions—whether attorneys were wholly reliant upon them or not—that furthered my skills and interest in legal research. 

What I did (day-to-day)
  • Developed research for public defense attorneys on various cases involving felony murder, armed robbery, public intoxication, wrongful arrest, and more

  • Assessed case discovery to write internal memos, suggestions 

  • Kept track of general records for attorneys 

  • Attended trials, jail visits  

  • Learned standard criminal justice process from attorneys 

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